How To Earn Extra Money At Home?

I will show you at least one proven method!

Throughout this website, my aim is to provide you with the best online reviews and articles all about how you can earn an extra income at home. 

My goal is to provide you with as much value as possible, so you can be part of a legitimate online business and create your own personal brand, 

You can start building an online business today! This can supply you with a full-time income from home or anywhere in the world. I also aim to provide you with my honest reviews of online platforms. This includes tools, books and many resources. This will help you decide which resources you need to be successful in your online success.

If you have not already experienced online, there are lots of scams. People who are there to sell you a dream and take your hard-earned money in the process. My reason for creating this website is to help you become successful online and stay away from the get rich quick schemes.

My Experience

So my journey online started with a company called Traffic Monsoon, many of you may have heard of this company. It’s no longer running, as it was a Ponzi Scheme. I did actually make some money out of Traffic Monsoon and I will explain how in a separate article. Please click here. 

After doing my long and hard research on this company. All the previous websites Charles Scoville had created. I concluded that Traffic monsoon is nothing more than a glorified Ponzi Scheme.

There’s a special saying and it goes like this.

“If you want to predict the future, take a look at the past”

Please read my article here for more information.

My Search Online for How To Earn Extra Money At Home

So I searched online to try and find a certified way of making money online that wasn’t just a get rich quick scheme. But everything I tried was either a scam. Or they just wanted you to pay money for a monthly subscription promising massive gains in return.


That was until I came across Wealthy Affiliate. The results from WA actually speak for themselves. How to earn extra money at home is the second website I have created through the wealthy affiliate. They teach you everything, Step by step on how to create a website. sign up for an affiliate, Review products and start making revenue from your website.

What Is Wealthy Affiliate?


Wealthy Affiliate is an established Affiliate Marketing educational platform. WA has been around for over ten years. Wealthy Affiliate was set up to help users get online. Then Start generating revenue through creating websites.

The Owners Kyle & Carson created Wealthy Affiliate. To show people the way to success through Affiliate Marketing.

kyle-and-carson - How To Earn Extra Money At Home - Start Here


What is Affiliate Marketing?

Affiliate marketing is a way of referring people to large brands and corporate websites and making money off every purchase, that your referral makes.

Please see the diagram below which involves approximately four stages.

  1. Choose A Niche Interest
  2. Build A Website 
  3. Get Visitors 
  4. Earn Revenue 


What are Benefits of Joining Wealthy Affiliate?

Kyle and Carson, they built the whole educational platform from scratch. They have gone through the affiliate marketing process step by step. This is to show you exactly how to do what they have done and become successful. If you message them, they will reply to you. Now, which educational platform do you know? Which has the owners participating in their daily activity? Also, replying to your messages first hand?

Here is a snapshot of a message I sent to kyle around the time of joining.


 How To Earn Extra Money At Home - Start Here

The Pros

The Biggest Online Community in the world… The community at Wealthy Affiliate is helpful. They have learnt from Kyle and Carson that you have to give to receive. Part of the training involves helping your wealthy fellow affiliate members. Everybody in the WA community works on a give first and receive on a later basis. Thus, so help is never that far away.

Step By Step Training… Kyle and Carson have created Step by step training. How to create your website in small stages. This also includes videos, instructional text and also community support. Thus, every step of the way the community are with you. Also, there are many tools in which Kyle and Carson Provide us with.

Unlimited Free Websites and Hosting. You get two websites for free using the SiteRubix platform as a free member. These websites are then created in WordPress. This includes hours of free training to get you up and running. Plus you can do whatever you like with your website. Any niche you choose there will be a product or service you can sell in relation to your chosen topic.

Affiliation Program The Wealthy Affiliate have a program of their own. Where you can promote WA and you will be will learn. All the tools and information you need to supply on your own website. Please see below the difference between a premium and a starter member.


The Truth About Wealthy Affiliate- How TO Earn Extra Money At Home 

It’s Free, but it does cost to go Premium… You do have to pay to be a premium member. But, yet this does come with a lot of benefits! Also, if you pay the membership yearly you get a 35% discount. It’s $47 dollars a month or if you pay yearly it works out as $29.91 a month. For what you get at this price, that a bargain, free hosting. Unlimited websites and enough training to keep you busy for a year. This program will make you into a professional Internet marketer, that is a small price to pay.

Rome was not built in a day… It is going to take time in order for you to complete all your training. But yet, you can do this as quick as you like or just go at your own pace, there is no rush. You have the full support and the training is of high quality. Thus, so I don’t see why anyone can’t be successful using the formula Wealthy Affiliate has given us.

If you want to learn how to earn extra money at home.

Start Now!

The only regret you will have is that you did not start earlier! Also, Something Kyle said in his training that has stuck in my head.

“To succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.”

One more thing as a bonus for taking the time to read my review on the wealthy affiliate. If you sign up its FREE and you can enjoy a free starter account but I am also offering a discount of 59% discount. If you decide to become a premium member within the first 7 days. When you create your free account not only will I contact you on the first day to help you get your profile live set up. I will also Be able to help you throughout the process if you are having any trouble. Get started learning how to earn extra money at home now. 

Drop me a comment below or you can always get in touch with me via (link to my profile).




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